After a day of exhaustive learning and concept understanding, one needs to asses one’s knowledge as to where he/she stands and this is where assessments help. Every curriculum has its own set of exam patterns to assess the understanding of students. To go a step ahead there are various competitive exams organized by the state, centre and also private educational companies and are h organised throughout the year. More and more schools have started enrolling their students for these exams as they are logic, reasoning and some of them even syllabus or subject based. Here are some of the exams enlisted for a quick referral, with details like its eligibility, the website etc.
1. The Olympiad Exams conducted by Science Olympiad Foundation
Eligibility – Class I to XII except for NCO Class II to XII
• NCO – National Cyber Olympiad
• NSO – National Science Olympiad
• IMO – International Math Olympiad
• IEO- International Math Olympiad
2. National Talent Search Examination NTSE
Eligibility – Class X+
National Talent Search (NTS) Examination conducted by National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
These are scholarship exams to identify and nurture talented students
Paper 1 Sate level MAT – 100 marks, SAT – 100-marks
Paper 2 national Level, NCERT MAT – 100 marks, SAT – 100-marks
3. National Level Science Talent Search Exam NLSTSE
Eligibility – Class II to XII
Subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Math, Biology and General Questions
NSTSE National Level Science Talent Search Exam
UCO Unified Cyber Olympiad
UIEO Unified English Olympiad
100 marks, 100 questions, 90 min
Conducted by unified Council
4. National Interactive Math Olympiad
Eligibility – Class V – XII
Math and mental ability
50 marks, 50 questions 60 min
Exam conducted by Eduheal foundation.
5. National Biotechnology Olympiad NBTO
Eligibility – Class V – XII
50 marks, 50 questions, 60 min
Exam conducted by Eduheal foundation.
6. Indian’s Geography Olympiad Geo Genius
Eligibility – Class II to XII
7. Kishore Viagnan Protsahan Yogna KVPY
Eligibility – Class XI to XII
Conducted by department of Science and Technology
8. Sir C.V. Raman Young Genius Awards National Level Science Talent Search Exam
Eligibility – Class IV – X
Exam conducted by Vishwabharathy foundation
Math – 40 marks, Science -40, General English-20
100 marks, 100 questions, 90 min
9. ASSET Assessment of Scholastic Skills through Educational Testing Eligibility – Class I to XII
Conducted by Education Initiative
Core subject –English, Math, Science
Optional – SST and Hindi
Based on CBSE, ICSE, SSC
Detailed skill wise feedback.
10. International Assessment for Indian Schools
Eligibility – Class III to XII
AKA or Macmillan or University of South of Wales, Australia Test
Subject –English, Math, Science, Computer Science
11. Maharashtra State Board Scholarship Exam
Eligibility – Class IV and VII
12. Olympiads by Government of India
Eligibility – class XII and lower
Detail Information at following websites
13. MaRRs
It’s an International spelling competiton
For more details
14. Drawing Examination
Eligibility – Std VII to IX
• Elementary
• Intermediate
15. Hindi Rashtrabhasha Exams
Conducted by Maharashtra Rashtrabhasha Sabha Pune
Friends, this is the list I had to share with all of you, any other important information please write in. Again to make your children sit for these exams and test their logical and analytical skills is a tough decision for the parents. In today’s extra competitive world is it really necessary to pressurize the children for these exams is a big question. Find your child’s interest areas and then take a call!!
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