Our Curriculum
Beyond Academics
We, at Clara Global School, organised an In-house workshop, for all our teachers on September 23rd , 2017. The following workshops were conducted on: We, at Clara Global School, organised an In-house workshop, for all our teachers on September 23rd , 2017. The following workshops were conducted on:
1. Mathematics by Mrs. Dipti Shinde
2. English by Mrs. Sadaf Khan
3. Phonics by Mrs. Rajani Hirekar
4. Global Curriculum by Ms. Heena Asnani
5. Story Telling by Mrs. Kiran Rawal
The workshops emphasized the global methods of teaching; we at Clara Global School follow. The new teachers benefitted much from these sessions.A workshop was held on 15th September, 2017 at Clara Global School, for all our teachers and Staff on “Good and Bad touch”.Our Speaker for this session was Dr. Annie Eapen. She spoke on the appropriate and inappropriate touch and backed it with a video. The same video was later shown to all our students by their respective teachers explaining the same in detail.Both teachers and students learnt much from this workshop.Students came back the very next day with their “ My Safe Circle” cards,depicting pictures of their parents, grandparents and teacher.

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” ― Ernest Hemingway
Clara School is a co-educational school following CBSE Syllabus. The Clara curriculum stretches far beyond the academics and is specially designed to develop the whole person – a person that spends his life competing with his/her own former self.
The school has a low student-teacher ratio of 1:15 & has partnered with Speaking Tree Education Institution (STEI), the leading organization in bringing world class education to India. STEI has guided Clara in architecting a concept-driven curriculum targeted at stimulating every child’s intelligence at physical, mental and intellectual levels.
The CBSE curriculum is disseminated through highly specialized “Global Classroom Curriculum” which is the result of an extensive research by a dedicated R&D team of 140 national and international experts.
The study materials in the Global Classroom programme have been used by over 1000 schools nationwide in India over the last four years.
How Clara Works?
Every Child's Involvement
Turn every class into a laboratory and involve every child in every activity.
Focus On Process
Start each lesson with concrete or kinesthetic learning, then proceed to abstraction followed by written expression.
Improve understanding of every topic with hands-on experiences before teaching.
Control Of Error
Provide instant feedback and follow it with immediate corrective action.
Make transparent for all children so that they know better what is expected of them.
Team Work And Leadership
Integrate teamwork and leadership into the daily curriculum itself.